Wednesday, April 5, 2023


Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's disease is a disorder that affects the brain. This happens over a period of time slowly affecting the daily functioning of the affected person (Potashman et al., 2023). The changes that occur during this disease process are that the brain is reduced in size slowly causing brain cells to die in a slow progression (Potashman et al., 2023). Unfortunately, based on data there is no known cause for this disorder (Potashman et al., 2023). However, research study has correlated genetics with environmental factors that could cause this disorder (Potashman et al., 2023).

Alzheimer’s disease begins with short-term memory loss suddenly forgetting recent events or conversations, as the years pass this condition gets worse (Huang et al., 2023). As this condition worsens it becomes very challenging for older adults to function or complete simple tasks such as getting dressed or brushing their teeth (Potashman et al., 2023).

However, there are medications that will slow down the process of this disorder and by this, the symptoms are also slowed down (Huang et al., 2023).

In addition to medications, there are many other ways to promote health, and well-being, and improve quality of life. For instance, patients should place meds in secure locations and arrange medications in pill separators that will keep an accurate count of what is scheduled to take (Home & Community Based Care – Aging Resources, n.d.). Also reducing mirrors in the home and having the patient wear a medical alert bracelet since images in mirrors can cause greater confusion in Alzheimer’s patients (Huang et al., 2023).

In our community in central Florida, there are many community services that can provide help to the elderly. Organizations such as elder options which provide services like Home delivery meals or personal care services such as bathing and getting dressed (Home & Community Based Care – Aging Resources, n.d.). Furthermore, the Lake County Health Department also provides many resources of volunteer groups that help the elderly in Daily activities (Leesburg Health Center, n.d.)




Home & community based care – aging resources. (n.d.).

Huang, J., Song, Z., Wei, B., Li, Q., Lin, P., Li, H., & Dong, K. (2023). Immunological evaluation of patients with alzheimer's disease based on mitogen-stimulated cytokine productions and mitochondrial dna indicators. BMC Psychiatry, 23(1).

Leesburg health center. (n.d.).

Potashman, M., Pang, M., Tahir, M., Shahraz, S., Dichter, S., Perneczky, R., & Nolte, S. (2023). Psychometric properties of the alzheimer’s disease cooperative study – activities of daily living for mild cognitive impairment (adcs-mci-adl) scale: A post hoc analysis of the adcs adc-008 trial. BMC Geriatrics, 23(1).

Sunday, April 2, 2023


Adding an older Adult to your Home


Adding a family member to your household is difficult. However, adding an older adult could result in increased difficulty in attempting to provide all accommodations that an older person needs.

If I had the opportunity of having a grandparent moving in with us I think that the thing I would have the most difficulty with is sharing a bathroom and finding a time that I can use and they can use that would work for both of us. Since one thing that I dislike is going to shower for example to get ready for work and there is someone in the bathroom. This completely throws my day behind leading me to a bad start.

The people in my household are my parents my two sisters and I a total of 5 people.  I already have plenty of struggle timing the use of the bathroom getting my grandparent in the house would make it more difficult. There are four rooms in the house this would make my two sisters share a room so that my grandmother would have her own private area. We would also have visitors that would visit her and we would need to make space so she could spend time with her visits such as the living room. My grandmother doesn’t cook and my sisters and I would take turns along with my mother to feed her when we are available. We would also make sure we leave food in case there will be no one else in the house. Furthermore, we would also plan if she needs to go out or has doctor's appointments so that we take turns taking her. This already seems like there would be many problems with availability. These would be the accommodations to our family structure.

Furthermore, we would accommodate the home for safety such as making sure there is enough lighting in the walkways, moving trip hazards out of the way, place things in easy-to-reach places all things to make sure the home is safe (Cao et al., 2021).

Different home changes would be made depending on the arrangement of the family. For instance, if the family has children there would need to be changes based on the kids so that they are not in the way when the elderly person needs to be cared for and that the kids don’t leave toys on the floor that could become a danger for the elderly to fall (Cao et al., 2021).  Another scenario could be that the elderly are moving into a couple that has pets. Pets could be dangerous to older adults if the pet is too big and the dog causes him or her to fall (Cao et al., 2021). The elderly may be allergic to dogs or cats and they wouldn’t be able to be near each other.

A third situation an elderly person could enter is joining a family where both partners work and do not have time to care for and observe the elder person. This places the elder to be in more danger if left alone. The person could fall and require medical attention fast and no one would be available(Rand et al., 2021). Also, there would not be someone to take them to appointments if needed. The patient could struggle to prepare food or take medications if they are forgetful (Touhy DNP CNS DPNAP, Theris A. & , n.d./2020). They would be alone for most of the time placing them in danger of many things.

Ways that would solve many of these problems or make them easier is to have a designated time to shower this would prevent much-unwanted traffic unless of course there is an emergency. Pets and toys should be placed in a separate room at times when the elder person ambulates throughout the house. This would avoid unwanted falls or playful interactions with pets that could cause a fall. Providing privacy is important for the elderly this could be handled by installing an easy-to-turn lock that would facilitate ensuring privacy in their room (Rand et al., 2021).  Not overwhelming the elderly with kids is important only because they might be their grandchildren the responsibility of caring for the children should not be placed on the elderly person(Touhy DNP CNS DPNAP, Theris A. & , n.d./2020). This prevents the elderly from becoming overwhelmed and allows them to share the home in harmony and stress-free.

These are all difficult changes to make, however, it is important that all accommodations or changes in the house are safe for all family members. This will allow everyone to live happily and together as a team looking for a solution if there is ever a problem that comes up.






Cao, S., Huang, H., Xiao, M., Yan, L., Xu, W., Tang, X., Luo, X., & Zhao, Q. (2021). Research on safety in home care for older adults: A bibliometric analysis. Nursing Open, 8(4), 1720–1730.

Rand, S., Smith, N., Jones, K., Dargan, A., & Hogan, H. (2021). Measuring safety in older adult care homes: A scoping review of the international literature. BMJ Open, 11(3), e043206.

Touhy DNP CNS DPNAP, Theris A. & . (2020). Ebersole & hess' toward healthy aging - binder ready (, Ed.; 10th ed.). Mosby.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Learning the Media as we get Old


As we Get Old

During the aging process, we go through many changes. Typically as we age our motor functions become weaker and our stamina decreases (Touhy DNP CNS DPNAP, Theris A. et al., 2019). Furthermore, in reference to the book our organs slow down creating issues such as excreting medication from our systems increasing the risk of toxicity (Touhy DNP CNS DPNAP, Theris A. et al., 2019). Physically as people age the skin becomes fragile and wrinkly because of reduced elasticity. This increases the risk of bruising and lacerations to the skin (Touhy DNP CNS DPNAP, Theris A. et al., 2019). Vision and hearing are also diminished leaving people with a sensory deficit. Teeth become brittle and oftentimes fall (Touhy DNP CNS DPNAP, Theris A. et al., 2019). With these series of changes as people age they become scared of aging not wanting to have wrinkles or missing teeth because of the image they think they portray. Others accept the reality and are not affected emotionally as much as others. However, as we progress in time media portrays ways to avoid depicting these physical changes creating a market for products such as Botox, veneers, cosmetic surgery, and other ways to change someone’s image  (Shome et al., 2019).


For instance, a product such as the one in this video advertises The Derma Wand claiming to reduce wrinkles and sagging skin around the face resulting from aging (How It Works, n.d.). This advertisement is directed to older people that would be the ones experiencing this situation. It is important to verify the validity of the product before committing to a purchase. Marketing strategies are used specifically to make consumers feel that they need this product and that it will solve the problem completely (Zhao et al., 2022). Based on the advertisement it will disappear wrinkles therefore we as the consumer should verify if this has been proven to e effective. One way is to investigate consumer reviews and verify that it is from a reasonable source (Shome et al., 2019). Side effects should also be considered, in this case, we would investigate if the product is FDA-approved or if there are any restrictions on this product anywhere else. Investigating with the FDA will provide us with a good idea if the product is safe (Zhao et al., 2022). During advertisements for this product, The Derma Wand will have testimonials that will use persuasive strategies such as stating how this product changed their lives and how they feel better (Zhao et al., 2022). On the other hand, facts will be verifiable meaning research will back up the information as opposed to testimonials which will have customer feelings involved and opinions (Zhao et al., 2022). Based on the advertisement above and the mechanism of action there are very few facts that will guarantee the effective removal of wrinkles by the use of thermal energy and massaging mechanism therefore I would personally not support the product. Based on the labels there are no FDA-approved labels or contact information this is something else we must focus on is the labeling on the back where it has the information, not the front which typically contains advertising info (Zhao et al., 2022).



Brand Street Market LLC. (2015, November 18). DermaWand Animation Video [Video]. YouTube.

How it works. (n.d.). DermaWand.

Shome, D., Vadera, S., Male, S., & Kapoor, R. (2019). Does taking selfies lead to increased desire to undergo cosmetic surgery. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 19(8), 2025–2032.

Touhy DNP CNS DPNAP, Theris A., Jett PhD GNP-BC, Kathleen F, & . (2019). Ebersole & hess' toward healthy aging: Human needs and nursing response (10th ed.). Mosby.

Zhao, J., Butt, R., Murad, M., Mirza, F., & Saleh Al-Faryan, M. (2022). Untying the influence of advertisements on consumers buying behavior and brand loyalty through brand awareness: The moderating role of perceived quality. Frontiers in Psychology, 12.


Sunday, March 5, 2023

 Aging is something that is viewed in a plethora of ways depending on who you ask. In my opinion there are many interpretations of aging that are correct. I don't think there is only one correct definition of aging. Aging in my opinion is the physical aging in a person, getting old, losing strength and muscle mass (Ebersole & Hess’ Toward Healthy Aging E-Book: Human Needs and Nursing Response, 2019). However Aging can also be the process of maturing and becoming wiser, changing your mentality of a child to that of an adult that becomes responsible and focuses on different aspects associated with developmental stage (Ebersole & Hess’ Toward Healthy Aging E-Book: Human Needs and Nursing Response, 2019). I have encounter many individuals that see aging as growing older in age and only in getting older. They are unable to consider aging as something other than physically getting old. Although, when people think of aging getting old physically is the first thing that comes to mind in the majority of people. In comparison to the theories in the text i have very similar perspectives on aging. The text further explains aging as various ways rather than just physically and describes the human as a whole by describing internal and external factors even emotional perceptions in people (Ebersole & Hess’ Toward Healthy Aging E-Book: Human Needs and Nursing Response, 2019). The strategy that I recommend to promote health of older adults is to provide a variety of ways that can accommodate various developmental stages rather than just age. For instance promoting health through sports may apply to a certain population of elderly people and not just young athletes.

  Alzheimer's Disease Alzheimer's disease is a disorder that affects the brain. This happens over a period of t...